Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Originally shared by Renee Pittman Books



It is intentional that I have seen garage set-ups in approximately seven locations around me parallel to my house. The fact is these high-tech psychological operations want it this way. This is the name of the game called PsyWar.

This OFFICIAL human lab rat, gradually deadly beam program, strategically goes to great lengths to redirect the victim's attention away from who. This is done by using the public as role-playing puppets who are vital to the deception.

The ongoing hope is to redirect attention away from that fact not only high-level government agencies, CIA, NSA, FBI, and the DOD military, but that also today Sheriff and local police are spearheading these technological testing efforts using technology approved for human experimentation Post 9/11 for police and military. See my website "Technology Approval" link.

These efforts know that awareness of ongoing technology experimentation, on the civilian populations, sold bogusly as investigations can and will ultimately bring this program to its knees. Telling is that fact that the legal protocol preceding legitimate investigations is bypassed yet sold to the community as well as the pay for use of there homes and for their acting roles.

From my experience, neighbors have only been given "See Through the Wall Technology" resulting in the extreme personal violation of the Fourth Amendment Right, along with the ability of amplified calling the victim dirty names such as "Little Big Man"

The intense torture, using specifically drones today, and the portable Active Denial System, Sonic weapons are for official personnel use only.

Think about it, do they really need anyone for this when there are many already employed by these agencies.

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