Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015

Hello TIs and Viewers 

I am responding to a viewer and a TI who send me a link and asked me to listen to its content very carefully so that I can learn a bit more about the Electronic Harassment that is being perpetrated upon us. 

I thank her for her good intentions. I did find the video of her choice very informative because I did not know about the devices that the Discrete Device guy presented. I am posting my response to her in this Public manner in order to help other TIs in their search for similar information and in their efforts to find solutions that could aid in the termination of the harassment and in their emotional as well as physical well being. . 

Although the Discreet Devices guy's videos are good for obtaining information about devices that cause Electronic Harassment, I do not recommend hiring this guy to do some sweeping in your home or business, simply because I reviewed another video of his very carefully and I did not like the message that was implicitly conveyed by his statements. The other video at issue is titled :

"What's Bugging You? Electronic Harassment Devices and Countermeasures"

I found it in his playlist at his Youtube channel at :

In this particular video of his he went out of his way to conceal the notorious and well known to all TIs government complicity in the Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking that has been perpetrated upon us.

He also went out of his way to present the Government, (NSA/CIA), as Law Enforcement government entities with honorable protective goals and motives. 

He did not even bother to mention the government's complicity in retaliatory harassment practices as well as in control related practices and illegal experimentation practices and goals which also include, and are not limited to, mind control.

He gave a brief pro-government speech and omitted the experimentation, retaliation and control related harassment practices, goals and motives as if they did not exist and/or as if no TI ever brought them to his attention.

How could a PI who deals with TIs not know about the extend of our problems and all the causes for them. How is it that he omitted all the causes of all TI related harassment claims.

He can only defend this odd and suspect omission by claiming not to know about them..Such a response does not pass the laugh test..!! If you buy such a response then buy it at your own risk...!!!

He claims to have a thorough knowledge of our troubles and of our claims as well as knowledge about the fact that government and corporate entities maybe involved, however, he minimized the above noted government complicity in a very suspect exculpatory manner that even attributed to the government honorable and innocent protective goals.

In sum, he clearly alluded to his self created fact that the government entities want to violate our privacy and do so because they want to protect us from the bad guys...the terrorists. did not sit well with me. What planet is this guy from? 

I would certainly not hire this man to do a sweep and then pay him money to cover up the evidence that expose government's complicity in the harassing activities that have been perpetrated. 

A man like that would not hesitate to cover up any evidence that expose government complicity in the Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking that is being perpetrated on you.  In order to protect the government's complicity that may come up, he may very well lip serve you in order to take your money.

At the end you may be left out in the cold and, what's worse, his final report, which would exculpate government complicity of course, would enable the fabrication of a mental disorder on you in the event you continue making the same government related accusatory claims that his final report discredited by way of intentional material omissions. 

This is my gut feeling and my Constitutionally protected opinion about him after I listened to his pro-government comments in this video.

I am so certain about my opinion that I would not bother listening to any subsequent "Damage Control" statements that he may make after he takes a look at my opinion. 

Take a look at the site of one of our heros Roger Tulces PI, at

I recommend that you surf his site very carefully and that you listen to all of his posted interviews and Lectures. Put his name and the PI title on the Youtube search bar and listen to everything he has to say about Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking. I have also posted most of his videos in my Google Plus.

In a very objective, honest and intelligent manner he repetitively mentions the government's complicity by presenting the evidence that were given to him by the TIs that he has interviewed.  

He never made any attempts to conceal Government complicity. His "in - your- face" and "telling - it-like-it-is" speeches and interviews depict a pro TI PI and not a pro-government PI. His speeches and interviews depict actions and intent to protect the "Greater Public Good" and not Government goals and practices.

Equally important is the fact that he also advocates about all of the subject matters that this Discreet Devices guy withheld from his speech in this video. A PI such as Roger Tulces is a PI worth hiring. 

You have the right to form your own opinion, of course...!!.


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