Friday, October 2, 2015

Edward Snowden said, the technology exists to listen into a conversation of the President of the USA in the White...

Originally shared by Tom Lee

Edward Snowden said, the technology exists to listen into a conversation of the President of the USA in the White House or in the Oval Office directly. This is TRUE. NSA head, General Keith Alexander said the technology to do this does not exist. This is a LIE. This was said to cover up the existence of Super Spy and Electronic Biological Satellite Systems being used on the general public at large.
For a complete description of this technology, please see my YouTube listing entitled R.F. Hearing or Microwave Hearing a Presentation by Tom Lee. It was posted on YouTube on March 17, 2013. This will describe in detail, how this spy satellite technology works.
It is based on the use of dual R.F. Signals, that has one of these R.F. signals phase shifted 180 degrees with respect to the other R. F. signal. The dual R.F. signals are then transmitted, and hit the biological resistance of the cochlear nerve and audio cortex in the head of the targeted victim. Both R.F. signals cancel out, like in an equivalent biological synchronous demodulator (a biological resistance in this case). The remaining electrical audio signal then travels to the brain and you will hear it. Allan H. Frey the, father of Microwave Hearing, stated that the inner ear can hear electrical sound signals or electrical voice signals in the inner ear.
The spying capability by using satellites is done by transmitting a R.F. signal out and it hits the targeted victim or person. The R.F. signal then hits the vocal cords of these targeted victims and picks up the vibrations of the vocal cords, and reflects out these voice vibrations or conversation, back to the satellite, to allow monitoring of complete conversations, even conversations in the WHITE HOUSE! With the addition of Sub-vocal Recognition, the mind can be read, from these same satellites. This is a simple application of radar technology. Bistatic radar systems can be used. This will enable the use of simple communications satellites, as radar satellites. This allows the U.S. Government to hide these satellites and say to the people, "They are only harmless communications satellites, and can not be used as radar satellites. This is another use of the terminology "dual use technology". A Bistatic satellite radar system is essentially a radar system that uses a separate transmit satellite and another satellite as a receive satellite. The transmit satellite transmits the incident signal at the incident angle, then the receive satellite located at the reflected angle receives the reflected signal, that bounces off the targeted victim, from down below on the earth.
Missile launch detection and tracking satellites can be used for the purpose of spying on conversations as mentioned above. Instead of tracking missile movements, they track targeted victim movements, and read the voice information of the targeted victims. If these satellites are supplied with suitable modulation signals, they become electronic biological weapons. The voice generation aspect of these satellite systems is essentially derived from the tracking technology used to track the targeted individuals continually. If the targeted victim is wearing an electronic watch, you can also use the watch signal to track the individual by tracking the crystal oscillator signal (usually a 32khz signal) in the digital watch and reflect it back out, with the voice conversation information. I know this, because I am an electrical engineer that worked on standard R.F. circuits that went into these spy and space based electronic biological weapons satellites. I worked at Hughes Aircraft Company's Space and Communications Group (now Boeing). The satellites were called SDS, M34, M22, C-Cube, C-Quad, and others. I was terminated by Hughes Aircraft Company, for complaining about using these spy satellites on me. I was used as an unwilling guinea pig to develop the in use spying and electronic biological weapons uses of these satellite systems. I complained to the U.S. Government and the F.B.I. They ignored me. This is a coverup by the U.S. Government. This activity continues to this day.
These spy satellite systems are being used by America's secret intelligence community, or secret society, such as the C.I.A., N.S.A., F.B.I., Secret Service, U.S. Military, Homeland Security, etc. In addition, the U.S. Government has set up many foreign countries, private corporations and many networked private secret agents to do the actual spying. This will allow the U.S. Government to offset legal, and legal financial obligations and problems. These problems range from Watergate type activities to sadistic mayhem, torture, death, to nonpayment of enormous contract money owed to many people being used on these spy satellite systems, and much more. These criminal activities exist from the lowest to the highest levels of the U.S. Government, and conspiratorial activities with private industry and foreign governments.
These satellite systems have to be funded, and launched by using missiles, or from the former use of the space shuttle. The President of the U.S.A., the U.S. Congress and Senate know of these satellite systems. Any denial, is a lie. You have to get permission from the U.S. Government to launch a missile, and to put a satellite in orbit. There are thousands of these satellites in use, and have been in use since the late 1970's, so the total funding cost is in the trillions of dollars. The activities mentioned above cannot be done from anything but a very large satellite system. This is confirmed, by the mere fact that these satellite signals have been measured on me, all over the world. It ranges from anywhere in the United States, to Beijing China, Hong Kong China, Shanghai China, Xian China, to an airplane at 37,000 feet in altitude. It can even hit me in the New York City Subway system, 100 feet below water, in a concrete tunnel in an all steel subway car. Only a satellite system can follow a person in this manner.
One time in the past, a question was asked of a U.S. Air Force general by one of the Microwave Hearing interested persons. The Air Force general said, "It has nothing to do with microwaves". This is correct. It is a R.F. signal at approximately 100Mhz to 600Mhz, Some people may consider these frequencies as microwaves. Electrical Engineers actually call it a UHF R.F. signal. You have to use these lower frequencies to allow the signals to penetrate solid structures, such as buildings, bomb shelters, and water. Microwaves can not penetrate dense objects. In addition you can not hear microwave signals, or R.F. signals. The human ear can only hear 20Hz to 20Khz. You have to demodulate a modulated R.F. signal to get the signal back to the audio frequencies to hear it. This is done by using the Wireless Phase Cancellation Biological Synchronous Demodulator as mentioned above. Simply put, the Dual R.F. signal (with one of the signals phase shifted 180 degrees with respect to the other) demodulates off of the biological resistance of the cochlear nerve or audio cortex, in the head of the targeted victim. The audio and sub-audio signals will then be recovered. The targeted victim can then hear the sound or voice that was transmitted. The use of other modulation frequencies, such as subsonic, sonic and ultrasonic make these satellites into a space based electronic biological weapon. Again, please see my full listing on YouTube as mentioned above, for a complete description of these spy and electronic biological weapons satellite systems.
Very soon, I will post another YouTube presentation. I will show electronic instrumentation measuring the R.F. signals and voice and audio signals hitting my body. The actual data has already been video recorded and photographed.
Please educate others to this extremely serious problem.
The 1984 Big Brother is Here!
                                               Tom Lee-BSEE Polytechnic Institute of NYU
                                               Electrical Engineer with 42 years of experience

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