Friday, October 2, 2015

1I am an Electrical Engineer with 42 years of experience. I have a BSEE degree

Originally shared by Tom Lee

1I am an Electrical Engineer with 42 years of experience. I have a BSEE degree
from the Polytechnic Institute of NYU, and graduate studies in electro-physics from
the University of Southern California. Since about the mid 1970's, the U.S. Government has sent up R.F. spying satellites to spy on foreign countries and the people of the world at large. It is done by sending R.F. signals out of the satellite to hit the spied on targeted victim, and reflect the R.F. back to the satellite along with the throat vibrations or conversations of the targeted victim. The satellite then sends the R.F. signal down to the earth for listening to the conversations. The R.F. signals also generated a tracking tone in the person (see below for details). They added a voice later as a secret communications signal for use with a friendly targeted person (CIA). It also put a sense of fear in the spied on enemy targeted victim, knowing that the spied on targeted victim would not report it to authorities, for fear of being called a Schizophrenic. So an enormous amount of people never reported hearing voices.
Many other modulation signals and subsonic or very low frequency signals were
added to make the satellite into an electronic biological weapon.
I worked for Hughes Aircraft Company (now owned by Boeing) that made
these satellites, that transmitted the electronic voice generation, and electronic biological weapons satellite signals. Others companies have also made these satellites, like TRW (now owned by Northrop-Grumman). I will be showing on YouTube very shortly, my electronically measured R.F. Hearing Signals on my body, or if you want to call it Microwave Hearing Signals. These signals have already been recorded. I used a specially selected G.C. Electronics MW500 field strength meter to record it. I will also show the satellite's electronic audio tone, people tracking signals and the voice signals demodulated on my body, I can hear these signals. I used a Rockland 5840A audio FFT Spectrum Analyzer, to measure all the sound signals hitting my body. This is "the real stuff". It is a first, in the world, as far as I know, that this kind of signal has actually been recorded. You can see them. Ask a psychiatrist to measure schizophrenia with an audio FFT Spectrum Analyzer. I have never used drugs, or drink alcoholic beverages. The strongest thing I drink or eat is Coke Cola. I do not have diabetes 1 or 2, from drinking a lot of Coke Cola. I have no blood sugar disorders. I have always been a thin person and I do not have gout. I do not have cancer. If you care to comment on other things that you feel may be the
cause of my hearing voices, (these voices, that I can actually hold a conversation with, continually), and that have tortured me, tried to kill me, and did other sadistic things to me, please feel free to reply. REMEMBER, I MEASURED THESE AUDIO AND VOICE SIGNALS WITH ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS!
The U.S. Government bought these satellites, for the President of the United States,
U.S. Air force and military, CIA, FBI, Secret Service, to use, and allowed private parties to use them, and favorite countries that have nuclear weapons capability and others. After this presentation on YouTube of the measured electronic information, I will make another demonstration on YouTube. I will actually generate a voice in my body, the same way the satellites do it, by transmitting two voice modulated R.F. Hearing signals, with one of the two signals, 180 degrees out of phase with respect to the other one, and hit my body with both R.F. signals. The R.F. portion of the signal cancels out and the voice will be heard. Anyone can do it. For more information, please see my listing on YouTube entitled Microwave Hearing or R.F. Hearing a Presentation by Tom Lee. It was posted on YouTube, on March 17, 2013.
                                                      Thank you,
                                                      Tom Lee

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