Friday, September 4, 2015

Who's Controlling The Snowden Documents and to What Purpose?

Originally shared by Ortaiηe Ðeviaη

Who's Controlling The Snowden Documents and to What Purpose?
Dec 18, 2013 • The Alex Jones Channel

Glenn Greenwald has only released 1% of the Snowden documents and those were approved and released after over 100 meetings with US and British intelligence. Some documents are being held back to be released with Greenwald's book. And Greenwald's possession of the documents were the basis of his new $250 million media venture with PayPal's Pierre Omidyar raising ethical questions of checkbook journalism. But even more troubling is the close relationship between the NSA and Omidyar's PayPal.

Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds of has been publicly asking questions of Greenwald and Snowden to determine the ethics and purpose of the Snowden leaks.

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