Friday, September 4, 2015

“It’s The Ultimate Weapon”

Originally shared by Ortaiηe Ðeviaη

“It’s The Ultimate Weapon”
Mind Control: Coming to a Brain Near You
3.1/15 •

Robert Duncan is a scientist with multiple degrees from Dartmouth College and Harvard University in Applied Sciences (e.g., artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and robotics) and Business. 
He has worked on projects for the CIA, Department of Defense, and Department of Justice. In 2004 he testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Judiciary Committee, and 23 members of Congress regarding non-consensual experimentation on American citizens.
In 2010 he authored, in partnership with an anonymous consortium of scientists calling themselves the “Mind Hacking Strategy Group,” a book entitled Project: Soul Catcher, Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed.  He has appeared on the radio show Coast To Coast and was interviewed by Jesse Ventura for the “Brain Invaders” episode of the television program Conspiracy Theory. [1]
I cited Duncan’s work in an article I wrote for Veterans Today and Nexus Magazine called “Mind Control In The 21st Century” (Part I and Part II). Recently I had the opportunity to speak with him.
In the interview posted below we discuss, among other topics, remote “mind reading,” CIA hive mind experimentation (multiple people sharing the same mental “space”), how people can be targeted and tracked remotely via their energy signature or “brain print,” the existence and use of a technology for remotely “cloning” or “copying” thoughts, emotions and other states (including intense pain) onto a target, [2] and how a weapons system capable of totalitarian control has been developed (with non-consensual and often-times brutal experimentation on civilians ongoing).
Duncan also reveals that many people are now in wireless mental contact with artificial intelligence run on supercomputers.
It is worth noting that current research projects, according to Duncan, have targeted people from all walks of life, not merely (or mainly) the “downtrodden,” as was done in the past.
Some of these targets are threatened with harm to themselves or family members if they do not carry out the instructions of their “handler,” or are promised release from their tortures if they perform some action. [3]
For example, Myron May, the Florida State University shooter, a former assistant district attorney, posted on Facebook before the shooting:

Duncan, who has interviewed many targets, has said that he immediately recognized the “torture script” used on May after listening to a recording in which May discusses his ordeal.
Perhaps most frightening is Duncan’s contention that the scalability of this technology is being tested: “…[A] lot of people won’t believe me and that’s fine. But they’re increasing this. They are scaling this technology to the entire population.”

[1] A partial summary history of his work (classification prevents full disclosure) includes: Tank recognition from satellites, submarine signature recognition from acoustic underwater phased arrays, stock market statistical arbitrage, voice and vascular signature recognition, truth detection systems, robotic surgery in medicine, EEG controlled robots, and “brain print” recognition.
[2] The technology is called “EEG Cloning” or “EEG Heterodyning.” The brain patterns (electromagnetic signals) “cloned” onto the target may be catalogued brain patterns stored in computers, though live signals from a “real person’s” brain could also be transmitted to the target.
[3] The handler communicates with the target through a technology for transmitting voices into people’s heads which goes by many names, including “voice to skull,” synthetic telepathy,” “microwave hearing,” and the “Frey effect.” The communication may also be accomplished via EEG heterodyning, which involves “re-mapping the auditory cortex of the human brain.”  Other technologies for transmitting voices include “ultrasonic heterodyning” and bone conduction techniques.

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