You are under attack by covert activities and high level agencies and all of their "assets" (most often for having damaging information about misconduct and corruption)
Propaganda against U.S. civilians has been authorized by the N.D.A.A. and is NOW BEING USED AGAINST YOU!
(the "puppets" constantly surrounding you EVERYWHERE YOU NOW GO are U.S. Special Forces, intelligence agents, federal, state and local law enforcement, and community policing participants)
YOU ARE BEING MONITORED 24/7/365. EVERYTHING you say. EVERY MOVEMENT you make. EVERY phone call. EVERY internet/electronic communication and activity. EVERY transaction. EVERY breath you take. All of your habits have been analyzed. EVERYTHING about you is being analyzed. THIS IS LITERALLY THE MOVIE "Eagle Eye" and YOU are the target
Quantum Physics is being used against you in your new "constantly negative environment" (research the term and understand the detrimental health and emotional effects of constantly "absorbing their negative energy")
Intimidation is a primary objective in psychological warfare. Understand this key to their puzzle and recognize this objective. This program is designed to silence and discredit. Do not fall for their clever charade - it is all part of their grandiose show!
You are being FRAMED and subjected to an extraordinary entrapment campaign that is designed to alienate you, enrage you and get you to lash out in any way possible in order to incarcerate or simply REMOVE YOU from society
Everything you've ever been taught to believe about justice, freedom, constitutional/civil and even human rights have now VANISHED. You are a test subject in a classified and extremely intricate maze of psychological warfare (sometimes also accompanied by ongoing, daily physical torture and poisoning through the targeting of directed energy/radiation/acoustical next-generation weaponry designed to break you and eliminate you)
Your new reality is now that of a non-consenting military test subject in a classified program that is controlled at THE HIGHEST levels of our government and military
The damaging information you have about the police, military or intelligence (our government) is deemed to be MUCH MORE IMPORTANT to SILENCE and DISCREDIT than any individual's rights (or even life)
WELCOME TO A POST PATRIOT ACT SOCIETY. Your new reality will now more closely resemble a 1984 Orwellian Police State than any normal existence you've experienced prior to being placed into this program (you have officially been listed as an enemy of the U.S. government and will now be under constant attack by our government - utilizing ALL of their resources to covertly destroy you)
ACTIVIST WEBSITE: http://bigbrotherwatchingus.com

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