Originally shared by Renee Pittman Books
THE GAME CHANGER: 30,000 drones approved for US Skies by 2020 with many specifically focused, tracking and monitoring victims with cyber weapons is the game changer hand's down. The use is cost free.
The new paradigm is a military and civilian unification which includes DOD contractor outsourcing. But the culprit remains the same. The technology is portable, handheld, land, sea, cellular antenna topped, drone, and space-based.
Extra pounds, victim's report putting on resulting from typical, around the clock targeting with specific torturous focus on a victim's legs, knees, hips, and other areas of the body, etc., strategically, by covertly focused Radio Frequency (RF) weapon assaults, is reported to be a hope that the victim will do something foolish, while being set-up, or bogusly committed to silence, snap and then entrapped or worse.
The beam used, to target the legs this way does create a crippling, painful affect. The inevitable result is weight gain, which is logical, if a victim can barely walk most times.
There is a solution! Work that body!!! :)
Knowledge is power! Awareness is key! TRUTH, a powerful, unbeatable weapon, OBVIOUSLY! ;)
WEBSITE: http://bigbrotherwatchingus.com
If a lot of people are saying the same thing, LISTEN!
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
CIA torture appears to have broken spy agency rule on human experimentation
Originally shared by Ortaiηe Ðeviaη
CIA torture appears to have broken spy agency rule on human experimentation
6.15.15 • The Guardian
Exclusive: Watchdogs shocked at ‘disconnect’ between doctors who oversaw interrogation and guidelines that gave CIA director power over medical ethics
Read the document: ‘Human experimentation’ and the CIA
The Central Intelligence Agency had explicit guidelines for “human experimentation” before, during and after its post-9/11 torture of terrorism detainees, the Guardian has learned, which raise new questions about the limits on internal oversight over the agency’s in-house and contracted medical research.
Sections of a previously classified CIA document, made public by the Guardian on Monday, empower the agency’s director to “approve, modify, or disapprove all proposals pertaining to human subject research”. The leeway provides the director, who has never in the agency’s history been a medical doctor, with significant influence over limitations the US government sets to preserve safe, humane and ethical procedures on people.
CIA director George Tenet approved abusive interrogation techniques, including waterboarding, designed by CIA contractor psychologists. He further instructed the agency’s health personnel to oversee the brutal interrogations – the beginning of years of controversy, still ongoing, about US torture as a violation of medical ethics.
But the revelation of the guidelines has prompted critics of CIA torture to question how the agency could have ever implemented what it calls “enhanced interrogation techniques” – despite apparently having rules against “research on human subjects” without their informed consent.
Indeed, despite the lurid name, doctors, human-rights workers and intelligence experts consulted by the Guardian said the agency’s human-experimentation rules were consistent with responsible medical practices. The CIA, however, redacted one of the four subsections on human experimentation.
“The more words you have, the more you can twist them, but it’s not a bad definition,” said Scott Allen, an internist and medical adviser to Physicians for Human Rights.
The agency confirmed to the Guardian that the document was still in effect during the lifespan of the controversial rendition, detention and interrogation program.
After reviewing the document, one watchdog said the timeline suggested the CIA manipulated basic definitions of human experimentation to ensure the torture program proceeded.
“Crime one was torture. The second crime was research without consent in order to say it wasn’t torture,” said Nathaniel Raymond, a former war-crimes investigator with Physicians for Human Rights and now a researcher with Harvard University’s Humanitarian Initiative.
Informed consent, the director and his ‘human subject research’ panel
The document containing the guidelines, dated 1987 but updated over the years and still in effect at the CIA, was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the ACLU and shared with the Guardian, which is publishing it for the first time.
The relevant section of the CIA document, “Law and Policy Governing the Conduct of Intelligence Agencies”, instructs that the agency “shall not sponsor, contract for, or conduct research on human subjects” outside of instructions on responsible and humane medical practices set for the entire US government by its Department of Health and Human Services.
A keystone of those instructions, the document notes, is the “subject’s informed consent”.
That language echoes the public, if obscure, language of Executive Order 12333 – the seminal, Reagan-era document spelling out the powers and limitations of the intelligence agencies, including rules governing surveillance by the National Security Agency. But the discretion given to the CIA director to “approve, modify, or disapprove all proposals pertaining to human subject research” has not previously been public.
The entire 41-page CIA document exists to instruct the agency on what Executive Order 12333 permits and prohibits, after legislative action in the 1970s curbed intelligence powers in response to perceived abuses – including the CIA’s old practice of experimenting on human beings through programs like the infamous MK-Ultra project, which, among other things, dosed unwitting participants with LSD as an experiment.
The previously unknown section of the guidelines empower the CIA director and an advisory board on “human subject research” to “evaluate all documentation and certifications pertaining to human research sponsored by, contracted for, or conducted by the CIA”.
Experts assessing the document for the Guardian said the human-experimentation guidelines were critical to understanding the CIA’s baseline view of the limits of its medical research – limits they said the agency and its medical personnel violated during its interrogations, detentions and renditions program after 9/11.
The presence of medical personnel during brutal interrogations of men like Abu Zubaydah, they said, was difficult to reconcile with both the CIA’s internal requirement of “informed consent” on human experimentation subjects and responsible medical practices.
When Zubaydah, the first detainee known to be waterboarded in CIA custody, “became completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising through his open, full mouth”, he was revived by CIA medical personnel – known as the Office of Medical Services (OMS) – according to a CIA account in the Senate intelligence committee’s landmark torture report.
The OMS doctors were heavily involved in the torture of detainees in CIA custody. They advised interrogators on the physical and psychological administration of what the agency called “enhanced interrogation techniques”. After observation, the doctors offered perspectives on calibrating them to specific detainees’ resilience.
OMS staff assigned to the agency’s black sites wrote emails with subject lines like: “Re: acceptable lower ambient temperatures”.
The CIA, which does not formally concede that it tortured people, insists that the presence of medical personnel ensured its torture techniques were conducted according to medical rigor. Several instances in the Senate torture report, partially declassified six months ago, record unease among OMS staff with their role in interrogations.
Doctors take oaths to guarantee they inflict no harm on their patients.
Zubaydah “seems very resistant to the water board”, an OMS official emailed in August 2002. “No useful information so far ... He did vomit a couple of times during the water board with some beans and rice. It’s been 10 hours since he ate so this is surprising and disturbing. We plan to only feed Ensure for a while now. I’m head[ing] back for another water board session.”
Doctors and intelligence experts said they could imagine legitimate, non-abusive CIA uses for human experimentation.
Steven Aftergood, a scholar of the intelligence agencies with the Federation of American Scientists, suggested that the agency might need to study polygraph effects on its agents; evaluate their performance under conditions of stress; or study physiological indicators of deception.
But other physicians and human rights experts who have long criticized the role of medical staff in torture said the extensive notes from CIA doctors on the interrogations – as they unfolded – brought OMS into the realm of human experimentation, particularly as they helped blur the lines between providing medical aid to detainees and keeping them capable of enduring further abusive interrogations.
But all said that such examples of human experimentation would require something that the CIA never had during the interrogation program: the informed consent of its subjects.
Months after Zubaydah’s interrogation, Tenet issued formal guidance approving brutal interrogation techniques, including waterboarding. Tenet explicitly ordered medical staff to be present – a decision carrying the effect of having them extensively document and evaluate the torture sessions.
“[A]ppropriate medical or psychological personnel must be on site during all detainee interrogations employing Enhanced Techniques,” Tenet wrote in January 2003. “In each case, the medical and psychological staff shall suspend the interrogation if they determine that significant and prolonged physical or mental injury, pain or suffering is likely to result if the interrogation is not suspended.”
In response to the Guardian’s questions about the newly disclosed document and its implications for the CIA’s post-9/11 torture program, CIA spokesperson Ryan Trapani provided the following statement:
“CIA has had internal guidelines interpreting Executive Order 1233 in place continuously from 1987 to present. While some provisions in these guidelines have been amended since September 11, 2001, none of those amendments changed provisions governing human experimentation or were made in response to the detention and interrogation program.”
Ironically, the only part of the CIA’s torture program in which agency officials claimed they were hamstrung by prohibitions on human experimentation is when they were asked by John Helgerson, their internal inspector general, if torture was effective.
Their response was framed as an example of the agency respecting its own prohibition on human experimentation. In more recent days, the CIA has used it as a cudgel against the Senate report’s extensive conclusions that the torture was ultimately worthless.
“[S]ystematic study over time of the effectiveness of the techniques would have been encumbered by a number of factors,” reads a CIA response given to Helgerson in June 2003, a point the agency reiterated in its formal response to the Senate intelligence committee. Among them: “Federal policy on the protection of human subjects.”
Harvard’s Raymond, using the agency’s acronym for its “enhanced interrogation technique” euphemism, said the CIA must have known its guidelines on human experimentation ruled out its psychologist-designed brutal interrogations.
“If they were abiding by this policy when EIT came up, they wouldn’t have been allowed to do it,” Raymond said. “Anyone in good faith would have known that was human subject research.”
“There is a disconnect between the requirement of this regulation and the conduct of the interrogation program,” said Aftergood. “They do not represent consistent policy.”
A director’s decision, oversight and an evolving rulebook
CIA torture appears to have broken spy agency rule on human experimentation
6.15.15 • The Guardian
Exclusive: Watchdogs shocked at ‘disconnect’ between doctors who oversaw interrogation and guidelines that gave CIA director power over medical ethics
Read the document: ‘Human experimentation’ and the CIA
The Central Intelligence Agency had explicit guidelines for “human experimentation” before, during and after its post-9/11 torture of terrorism detainees, the Guardian has learned, which raise new questions about the limits on internal oversight over the agency’s in-house and contracted medical research.
Sections of a previously classified CIA document, made public by the Guardian on Monday, empower the agency’s director to “approve, modify, or disapprove all proposals pertaining to human subject research”. The leeway provides the director, who has never in the agency’s history been a medical doctor, with significant influence over limitations the US government sets to preserve safe, humane and ethical procedures on people.
CIA director George Tenet approved abusive interrogation techniques, including waterboarding, designed by CIA contractor psychologists. He further instructed the agency’s health personnel to oversee the brutal interrogations – the beginning of years of controversy, still ongoing, about US torture as a violation of medical ethics.
But the revelation of the guidelines has prompted critics of CIA torture to question how the agency could have ever implemented what it calls “enhanced interrogation techniques” – despite apparently having rules against “research on human subjects” without their informed consent.
Indeed, despite the lurid name, doctors, human-rights workers and intelligence experts consulted by the Guardian said the agency’s human-experimentation rules were consistent with responsible medical practices. The CIA, however, redacted one of the four subsections on human experimentation.
“The more words you have, the more you can twist them, but it’s not a bad definition,” said Scott Allen, an internist and medical adviser to Physicians for Human Rights.
The agency confirmed to the Guardian that the document was still in effect during the lifespan of the controversial rendition, detention and interrogation program.
After reviewing the document, one watchdog said the timeline suggested the CIA manipulated basic definitions of human experimentation to ensure the torture program proceeded.
“Crime one was torture. The second crime was research without consent in order to say it wasn’t torture,” said Nathaniel Raymond, a former war-crimes investigator with Physicians for Human Rights and now a researcher with Harvard University’s Humanitarian Initiative.
Informed consent, the director and his ‘human subject research’ panel
The document containing the guidelines, dated 1987 but updated over the years and still in effect at the CIA, was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the ACLU and shared with the Guardian, which is publishing it for the first time.
The relevant section of the CIA document, “Law and Policy Governing the Conduct of Intelligence Agencies”, instructs that the agency “shall not sponsor, contract for, or conduct research on human subjects” outside of instructions on responsible and humane medical practices set for the entire US government by its Department of Health and Human Services.
A keystone of those instructions, the document notes, is the “subject’s informed consent”.
That language echoes the public, if obscure, language of Executive Order 12333 – the seminal, Reagan-era document spelling out the powers and limitations of the intelligence agencies, including rules governing surveillance by the National Security Agency. But the discretion given to the CIA director to “approve, modify, or disapprove all proposals pertaining to human subject research” has not previously been public.
The entire 41-page CIA document exists to instruct the agency on what Executive Order 12333 permits and prohibits, after legislative action in the 1970s curbed intelligence powers in response to perceived abuses – including the CIA’s old practice of experimenting on human beings through programs like the infamous MK-Ultra project, which, among other things, dosed unwitting participants with LSD as an experiment.
The previously unknown section of the guidelines empower the CIA director and an advisory board on “human subject research” to “evaluate all documentation and certifications pertaining to human research sponsored by, contracted for, or conducted by the CIA”.
Experts assessing the document for the Guardian said the human-experimentation guidelines were critical to understanding the CIA’s baseline view of the limits of its medical research – limits they said the agency and its medical personnel violated during its interrogations, detentions and renditions program after 9/11.
The presence of medical personnel during brutal interrogations of men like Abu Zubaydah, they said, was difficult to reconcile with both the CIA’s internal requirement of “informed consent” on human experimentation subjects and responsible medical practices.
When Zubaydah, the first detainee known to be waterboarded in CIA custody, “became completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising through his open, full mouth”, he was revived by CIA medical personnel – known as the Office of Medical Services (OMS) – according to a CIA account in the Senate intelligence committee’s landmark torture report.
The OMS doctors were heavily involved in the torture of detainees in CIA custody. They advised interrogators on the physical and psychological administration of what the agency called “enhanced interrogation techniques”. After observation, the doctors offered perspectives on calibrating them to specific detainees’ resilience.
OMS staff assigned to the agency’s black sites wrote emails with subject lines like: “Re: acceptable lower ambient temperatures”.
The CIA, which does not formally concede that it tortured people, insists that the presence of medical personnel ensured its torture techniques were conducted according to medical rigor. Several instances in the Senate torture report, partially declassified six months ago, record unease among OMS staff with their role in interrogations.
Doctors take oaths to guarantee they inflict no harm on their patients.
Zubaydah “seems very resistant to the water board”, an OMS official emailed in August 2002. “No useful information so far ... He did vomit a couple of times during the water board with some beans and rice. It’s been 10 hours since he ate so this is surprising and disturbing. We plan to only feed Ensure for a while now. I’m head[ing] back for another water board session.”
Doctors and intelligence experts said they could imagine legitimate, non-abusive CIA uses for human experimentation.
Steven Aftergood, a scholar of the intelligence agencies with the Federation of American Scientists, suggested that the agency might need to study polygraph effects on its agents; evaluate their performance under conditions of stress; or study physiological indicators of deception.
But other physicians and human rights experts who have long criticized the role of medical staff in torture said the extensive notes from CIA doctors on the interrogations – as they unfolded – brought OMS into the realm of human experimentation, particularly as they helped blur the lines between providing medical aid to detainees and keeping them capable of enduring further abusive interrogations.
But all said that such examples of human experimentation would require something that the CIA never had during the interrogation program: the informed consent of its subjects.
Months after Zubaydah’s interrogation, Tenet issued formal guidance approving brutal interrogation techniques, including waterboarding. Tenet explicitly ordered medical staff to be present – a decision carrying the effect of having them extensively document and evaluate the torture sessions.
“[A]ppropriate medical or psychological personnel must be on site during all detainee interrogations employing Enhanced Techniques,” Tenet wrote in January 2003. “In each case, the medical and psychological staff shall suspend the interrogation if they determine that significant and prolonged physical or mental injury, pain or suffering is likely to result if the interrogation is not suspended.”
In response to the Guardian’s questions about the newly disclosed document and its implications for the CIA’s post-9/11 torture program, CIA spokesperson Ryan Trapani provided the following statement:
“CIA has had internal guidelines interpreting Executive Order 1233 in place continuously from 1987 to present. While some provisions in these guidelines have been amended since September 11, 2001, none of those amendments changed provisions governing human experimentation or were made in response to the detention and interrogation program.”
Ironically, the only part of the CIA’s torture program in which agency officials claimed they were hamstrung by prohibitions on human experimentation is when they were asked by John Helgerson, their internal inspector general, if torture was effective.
Their response was framed as an example of the agency respecting its own prohibition on human experimentation. In more recent days, the CIA has used it as a cudgel against the Senate report’s extensive conclusions that the torture was ultimately worthless.
“[S]ystematic study over time of the effectiveness of the techniques would have been encumbered by a number of factors,” reads a CIA response given to Helgerson in June 2003, a point the agency reiterated in its formal response to the Senate intelligence committee. Among them: “Federal policy on the protection of human subjects.”
Harvard’s Raymond, using the agency’s acronym for its “enhanced interrogation technique” euphemism, said the CIA must have known its guidelines on human experimentation ruled out its psychologist-designed brutal interrogations.
“If they were abiding by this policy when EIT came up, they wouldn’t have been allowed to do it,” Raymond said. “Anyone in good faith would have known that was human subject research.”
“There is a disconnect between the requirement of this regulation and the conduct of the interrogation program,” said Aftergood. “They do not represent consistent policy.”
A director’s decision, oversight and an evolving rulebook
Monday, February 20, 2017
Why the focus on the right side of the brain by covert Human Monsters?
Originally shared by Renee Pittman Books
Why the focus on the right side of the brain by covert Human Monsters?
Personally, I don't need a device. The beam's focus intensely on the right side of my head is obvious due to the penetrating intense burning sensation. Thanks Dr. Horton for the confirming video of these types of official criminal attacks, across the US and all over the world.
With some, the attacks are silencing assaults by high tech covert advanced technology focused on deterioration of brain tissue and cells.
MY WEBSITE: http://bigbrotherwatchingus.com
Why the focus on the right side of the brain by covert Human Monsters?
Personally, I don't need a device. The beam's focus intensely on the right side of my head is obvious due to the penetrating intense burning sensation. Thanks Dr. Horton for the confirming video of these types of official criminal attacks, across the US and all over the world.
With some, the attacks are silencing assaults by high tech covert advanced technology focused on deterioration of brain tissue and cells.
MY WEBSITE: http://bigbrotherwatchingus.com
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Citizen Neutralization using High Tech Weaponry with Dr Eric Karlstrom on WBB
Originally shared by mystdolly
Monday, February 13, 2017
Originally shared by Renee Pittman Books
You are under attack by covert activities and high level agencies and all of their "assets" (most often for having damaging information about misconduct and corruption)
Propaganda against U.S. civilians has been authorized by the N.D.A.A. and is NOW BEING USED AGAINST YOU!
(the "puppets" constantly surrounding you EVERYWHERE YOU NOW GO are U.S. Special Forces, intelligence agents, federal, state and local law enforcement, and community policing participants)
YOU ARE BEING MONITORED 24/7/365. EVERYTHING you say. EVERY MOVEMENT you make. EVERY phone call. EVERY internet/electronic communication and activity. EVERY transaction. EVERY breath you take. All of your habits have been analyzed. EVERYTHING about you is being analyzed. THIS IS LITERALLY THE MOVIE "Eagle Eye" and YOU are the target
Quantum Physics is being used against you in your new "constantly negative environment" (research the term and understand the detrimental health and emotional effects of constantly "absorbing their negative energy")
Intimidation is a primary objective in psychological warfare. Understand this key to their puzzle and recognize this objective. This program is designed to silence and discredit. Do not fall for their clever charade - it is all part of their grandiose show!
You are being FRAMED and subjected to an extraordinary entrapment campaign that is designed to alienate you, enrage you and get you to lash out in any way possible in order to incarcerate or simply REMOVE YOU from society
Everything you've ever been taught to believe about justice, freedom, constitutional/civil and even human rights have now VANISHED. You are a test subject in a classified and extremely intricate maze of psychological warfare (sometimes also accompanied by ongoing, daily physical torture and poisoning through the targeting of directed energy/radiation/acoustical next-generation weaponry designed to break you and eliminate you)
Your new reality is now that of a non-consenting military test subject in a classified program that is controlled at THE HIGHEST levels of our government and military
The damaging information you have about the police, military or intelligence (our government) is deemed to be MUCH MORE IMPORTANT to SILENCE and DISCREDIT than any individual's rights (or even life)
WELCOME TO A POST PATRIOT ACT SOCIETY. Your new reality will now more closely resemble a 1984 Orwellian Police State than any normal existence you've experienced prior to being placed into this program (you have officially been listed as an enemy of the U.S. government and will now be under constant attack by our government - utilizing ALL of their resources to covertly destroy you)
ACTIVIST WEBSITE: http://bigbrotherwatchingus.com

You are under attack by covert activities and high level agencies and all of their "assets" (most often for having damaging information about misconduct and corruption)
Propaganda against U.S. civilians has been authorized by the N.D.A.A. and is NOW BEING USED AGAINST YOU!
(the "puppets" constantly surrounding you EVERYWHERE YOU NOW GO are U.S. Special Forces, intelligence agents, federal, state and local law enforcement, and community policing participants)
YOU ARE BEING MONITORED 24/7/365. EVERYTHING you say. EVERY MOVEMENT you make. EVERY phone call. EVERY internet/electronic communication and activity. EVERY transaction. EVERY breath you take. All of your habits have been analyzed. EVERYTHING about you is being analyzed. THIS IS LITERALLY THE MOVIE "Eagle Eye" and YOU are the target
Quantum Physics is being used against you in your new "constantly negative environment" (research the term and understand the detrimental health and emotional effects of constantly "absorbing their negative energy")
Intimidation is a primary objective in psychological warfare. Understand this key to their puzzle and recognize this objective. This program is designed to silence and discredit. Do not fall for their clever charade - it is all part of their grandiose show!
You are being FRAMED and subjected to an extraordinary entrapment campaign that is designed to alienate you, enrage you and get you to lash out in any way possible in order to incarcerate or simply REMOVE YOU from society
Everything you've ever been taught to believe about justice, freedom, constitutional/civil and even human rights have now VANISHED. You are a test subject in a classified and extremely intricate maze of psychological warfare (sometimes also accompanied by ongoing, daily physical torture and poisoning through the targeting of directed energy/radiation/acoustical next-generation weaponry designed to break you and eliminate you)
Your new reality is now that of a non-consenting military test subject in a classified program that is controlled at THE HIGHEST levels of our government and military
The damaging information you have about the police, military or intelligence (our government) is deemed to be MUCH MORE IMPORTANT to SILENCE and DISCREDIT than any individual's rights (or even life)
WELCOME TO A POST PATRIOT ACT SOCIETY. Your new reality will now more closely resemble a 1984 Orwellian Police State than any normal existence you've experienced prior to being placed into this program (you have officially been listed as an enemy of the U.S. government and will now be under constant attack by our government - utilizing ALL of their resources to covertly destroy you)
ACTIVIST WEBSITE: http://bigbrotherwatchingus.com


Originally shared by Renee Pittman Books
Yes they will KILL anyone exposing the HORRORS OF WHAT IS HAPPENING TODAY!!!
Understand that ACTIVIST AND WHISTLEBLOWERS are not joking and have no time to play. Understand that If an activist, whistleblowers, victim cannot be silenced, and continues to publicize the truth, using many methods, effectively, the only alternative is COVERT KILL approved by monstrous high level corruption!
The right side of the brain controls the left side of the human body. If the right side is damaged, a stroke can be materialized. If the right side is being diminished by USAF personnel held up in a community location, who also direct and operate a military drone, or portable Active Denial System, targeting a victim, the goal is viciously clear.
ACTIVIST WEBSITE: http://bigbrotherwatchingus.com
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe - Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children 2014
Originally shared by IamChattyCathy
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Mutilation by Swiss Nazis continues! (Targeted Individuals)
Originally shared by Ortaiηe Ðeviaη
Mutilation by Swiss Nazis continues! (Targeted Individuals)
Feb 1, 2017
Dr Katherine Horton is being mutilated inside her Swiss home. This is despite the attackers being within 100m of her home and her having reported the assaults to both the Criminal Police of Canton Zurich as well as the Swiss military police! The previous week, Dr Horton survived an assassination attempt on the Swiss serpentine outside Davos. Shortly before the assassination attempt, she passed a van of the Swiss military police parked in the road. Coincidence?? Essentially, the Swiss Nazis who are doing this to Dr Horton seem to have captured the police as well and are banking on Dr Horton dying before she can bring these degenerate men in the military and the intelligence agencies to justice. Meanwhile, the UK High Court judge who threw out her case when she was begging for an emergency injunction in July 2016 was JUDGE HOLGATE. Since then, Dr Horton has been brutally tortured and mutilated.
Mutilation by Swiss Nazis continues! (Targeted Individuals)
Feb 1, 2017
Dr Katherine Horton is being mutilated inside her Swiss home. This is despite the attackers being within 100m of her home and her having reported the assaults to both the Criminal Police of Canton Zurich as well as the Swiss military police! The previous week, Dr Horton survived an assassination attempt on the Swiss serpentine outside Davos. Shortly before the assassination attempt, she passed a van of the Swiss military police parked in the road. Coincidence?? Essentially, the Swiss Nazis who are doing this to Dr Horton seem to have captured the police as well and are banking on Dr Horton dying before she can bring these degenerate men in the military and the intelligence agencies to justice. Meanwhile, the UK High Court judge who threw out her case when she was begging for an emergency injunction in July 2016 was JUDGE HOLGATE. Since then, Dr Horton has been brutally tortured and mutilated.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
TI Awareness/Action Campaign: CC & UN Letter Update 2.1.17
Originally shared by Kim Rawlings
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