Saturday, April 2, 2016

Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment




"Drones that are now armed with Nano sensors payloads that are being painfully injected into the bodies of every citizen, diagnosed as Fibromyalgia with 1 in 50 citizens now reporting the chronic joint, muscle, nerve and tissue damage, that equates to 6.8 MILLION CITIZENS.  

Joint Targeting of individuals that includes the injection of nano sensors is documented here in the posted document titled "Joint Targeting (Joint Publication 3-60) drone_dod_jp3_60  

This document includes the reference to  the United States ‘Health and Human Services’ for target names….  Duh?

Also included within this document a ‘(UAV/UAS)’ Drone handler training manual is the injection of nano sensors into the law-abiding citizen (targeted victim / as in Targeted Individual)….again… Duh.? 

The purpose of targeting is to integrate and synchronize fires into joint operations. Targeting is the process of selecting and prioritizing targets and matching the appropriate response to them, considering operational requirements and capabilities. Targeting also supports the process of linking the desired effects of fires to actions and tasks at the joint force component level.

A target is an entity or object considered for possible engagement or action. It may be an area, complex, installation, force, equipment, capability, function, individual, group, system, entity, or behavior identified for possible action to support the commander’s objectives, guidance, and intent. Targets relate to objectives at all levels — strategic, operational, and tactical.

Every target has distinct intrinsic or acquired characteristics, the most important of which affect how it is targeted. Generally, these characteristics are categorized as physical, functional, cognitive, and environmental. These characteristics form the basis for target detection, location, identification, and classification for future surveillance, analysis, strike, and assessment.

All potential targets and all targets nominated for attack continually change in importance due to the dynamic nature of the operational environment. When the importance of a target rises to such a level that it poses (or will soon pose) a danger to friendly forces, or it presents a highly lucrative, fleeting opportunity of tactical advantage, the joint force commander (JFC) may designate it as requiring immediate response. • Discusses the definition, nature, and characteristics of targets • Describes the joint targeting process and its phases • Details the roles and responsibilities associated with the joint targeting process • Addresses specialized concerns relating to targeting procedures in appendices F


"a full version of DOD Directive 5240.1-r with Procedure 13, ‘Human Subject Experimentation for Intelligence Purposes’ was located on the internet.  This version appears to be of additional detail and includes the previously posted version of this Directive that now includes the following on U.S. Persons and Others who can be used for experimentation for Intelligence Purposed.

Quote ‘those considered unwitting (unknowledgeable, and BILLIONS OF CITIZENS), those targeted for surveillance (EVERY CITIZEN is now targeted WITH CHEMTRAILS THAT INCLUDES BIOLOGICAL AGENTS) and those charged of a crime (charged but not guilty?)’, can be used.


This procedure applies to experimentation on human subjects if such experimentation is conducted by or on behalf of a DoD intelligence component. This procedure does not apply to experimentation on animal subjects. 


C13.2.1. Experimentation in this context means any research or testing activity involving human subjects, those considered unwitting, those targeted for surveillance and those charged with a crime that may expose such subjects to the possibility of permanent or temporary injury (including physical or psychological damage and damage to the reputation of such persons) beyond the risks of injury to which such subjects are ordinarily exposed in their daily lives. 

C13.2.2. Experimentation is conducted on behalf of a DoD intelligence component if it is conducted under contract to that component or to another DoD Component for the benefit of the intelligence component or at the request of such a component regardless of the existence of a contractual relationship.

C13.2.3. Human subjects in this context includes any person whether or not such person is a United States person. 

The Directive allowing all U.S. Persons and others on U.S. soil to be used for testing without your consent is here…Original DOD Directive 5240.1.R saved 882013 Chapter and Procedure 13.

As per the DOD Joint Targeting doctrine, that person is now considered collateral damage, or a target of opportunity (Joint targeting document inserted here….in their own words ( Joint Targeting (Joint Publication 3-60) drone_dod_jp3_60 ).


"DO NOT LIMIT YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THESE DOCUMENTS AS TRAINING FOR WAR TARGETS ‘BECAUSE’ THE DOD JOINT TARGETING DOCUMENT STATES THAT DOD USES HHS (Health and Human Services) also for the selection of its human  targets.  HHS is only within the United States not foreign countries. 


"The following is an excerpt from former President Clinton’s apology given Oct. 3, 1995.

Thousands of government-sponsored experiments did take place at hospitals, universities, and military bases around our nation. Some were unethical, not only by today’s standards, but by the standards of the time in which they were conducted. They failed both the test of our national values and the test of humanity. The United States of America offers a sincere apology to those of our citizens who were subjected to these experiments, to their families, and to their communities. When the government does wrong, we have a moral responsibility to admit it. "

Title 18 details the crimes now being committed in 2014 by these corporations, agencies, drone handlers and others.  Title 18 Crimes Against Victims of Torture and Human Trafficking and Other Crimes "


"When our own DOD drafts a ‘Joint Targeting’ Joint Targeting (Joint Publication 3-60) drone_dod_jp3_60 of citizens by drones and other technology, thanks  to an ‘age-old’ DOD Directive 5240.1-r – Procedure 13 – Human Experimentation for Intelligence Purposes Original DOD Directive 5240.1.R saved 882013.  This directive alone negates all ‘Human Rights’ laws and have allowed for the growing base of government-funded contractors and agencies to release chemicals over our skies, spray chemicals in our air as ‘chem-trails’ and develop UAVs (Unmanned Ariel Vehicles) such as the Reaper that can hover over an entire state as high as 65,000 feet, releasing nano sensors that are only designed to attach to human skin that can result in death, cancers and more in any living thing.   UAVs armed with sensor payloads such as the Predator and the Reaper 2002MQ-1PredatorUAV that can now be remotely shot into the skin of humans as many  are designed as GPS human locater, IR (Infrared to light your body or property), chemical and biological to test anything without your knowledge (only inflecting pain) and without your consent.

These corporations are now boasting about the untold TRILLIONS bgd-11-3837-2014 they will earn UAV_Roadmap_Test_and_Evaul_to_2025_uavr0401on this needless development of UNMANNED ARIEL VEHICLES while the damage of their testing is falling on the backs of the citizens of this country, and authorized by small groups of Senators elected by ‘The People’ of this country. These Senators have served for years and are now millionaires provided by corporate donations.  How are these harmful actions serving the people of this country?  They are not.

These are critical issues for our citizens, again ‘as no one is exempt from these harms'; not children, man nor woman, not even the leaders of our country. The spraying of ‘corporate developed’ sensors payloads into our clouds, or even into the clear night skies, do not have a citizen’s name on it; these sensors and chemicals that are being uselessly developed serve no purpose but to harm the citizens of this country.  We are not at war!

As citizens we have been kept in the dark, yet we watch these government-funded military aircrafts hover over our skies nightly and we say nothing, we question nothing, even our leaders have become fearful in acting for our country and its citizens.  It is time for America to wake up to these harms.

Please also be aware that the ‘targeting’ of a few is to gain access to many.  

The Washington Post series entitled ‘A Top Secret America – July 2010′ first documented the over 3000 new government contractors that became funded under the Bush administration on the ‘War on Terror’  that article follow with a critical article that detailed how these contractors, DOD and DOJ would begin to gain access to all citizens person, financial and health information, and you would wonder why?  Why because of hidden ‘Directives’ not laws that have been hidden from plain sight for decades were allowing contractors developing war technologies to use any citizen, defined as a ‘U.S. Person’ for the testing and evaluation of any technology without your knowledge or consent.

The article entitled ‘Monitoring America December 2010′ Monitoring_America_Dana_Priest_William_M_Arkin latest version with lots of deletions2012 first acknowledged the hundreds of thousands (now millions in 2014) of citizens who were being targeted by ‘MILLIONS’ of citizens under what was designed by DOD DOJ (See Something – Say Something).  Somehow our Congress and past Presidents have given to much power to the DOD Department of Defense, even their own employees are targeted.  DOD has all financial powers over ever citizen; the FBI, the IRS, Banks, Local Police, and even ‘Black budgets’.  Look at the organization chart of the DOD and see that as citizens we have nothing,  they are even in charge of our Civil Rights, Civil Liberties and even those who house our health records.  So if DOD has such powers of every citizen and utilizes a decade old Directive, not law, to target every citizen…. have we all truly been that asleep?

A DOD Directive 5240.1-r to test technology on any citizen, then add the DOJ Homeland Security Fusion Centers employees connecting to millions of so-called surveillance Contractors/Law Enforcement Contractors, neighborhood watch groups (everyday people) all hired to follow, and stalk innocent citizens while large groups of criminals have now also infiltrated these groups to commit their crimes.  

Most of the ‘so-called’ Law Enforcement contractors connected to government contractors in need of testing their technologies on groups of citizens as they will go as far as to issue false documentation on an innocent citizen as a SAR (Suspicious Activity Report) or even an NSL (National Security Letter), all false documents, and yet the ‘fog of it all’ is to gain access to many, not just the one named as a so-called ‘targeted individual’.

Every citizen is a target to a corporation or agency desiring access to a human for torture testing their technology.

When any citizen is recruited by a ‘so-called’ government contractor and connected to groups that were originally created for the ‘good of our country Post 9/11′ such as, CERTS, Citizens Corps, neighborhood watch groups, Community Oriented Policing (COPs), etc.; and now recruited as a ‘so-called’ law enforcement contractor paid to follow another ‘unwitting’ innocent citizen, this contractor/person (everyday person without any legal reason) is being sent out the same text messages that is also being sent to hundreds of others.  A message sent to hundreds of ‘citizen targets’

Monitoring_America_Dana_Priest_William_M_Arkin latest version with lots of deletions 2012 who are told to (also) descend upon that same innocent victim, ‘the target’, now ‘true testing’ begins on all whom are then exposing themselves, and their family members (since family who perform these fake surveillance crimes are paid more money) ‘openly’ and also ‘openly and willfully’ breaking the law.

The document entitled ‘Joint Targeting’ written in 2007 Joint Targeting (Joint Publication 3-60) drone_dod_jp3_60 for the testing of DOD Drones with sensors injected into citizens… yes on citizens, categorizing all citizens in one form or another…UAV Remote Sensoring and Target tracking.  Either you are a ‘valued target’, collateral damage target, or target of opportunity , in their own words.  When you read the ‘Joint Targeting’ of individuals, you will read that DOD uses HHS, Health and Human Services for additional citizens names for targeting.  There is not HHS anywhere but within the United States of America.  Yet citizens are encouraged to ‘label’ themselves as depressed, or mentally ill.  Well hell, if you were being subjected to mysterious pains, strange flights over your home and burning attacks to your joints, muscles and more with not medical explanation, you too would become concern….. not depressed or mentally ill.

No one has value, even those who work for these government agencies.  We all breathe the same air with chemicals sprayed.  We all drink the same water, damaged by sensors and other chemicals.  When chemicals are sprayed the harm our health, and all living things.

Take the time to read  the attached documents so that you may have a clear understanding of ‘your role’ in the mass devastation of a country of people now all labeled as ‘targets’." He provided a video link depicting a Whistleblower disclosing information about the DRONES. 


NOTE THAT HE  REFERENCES "DoD Directive 5240.1-R Procedure 13" Procedures governing the activities of DoD intelligence components that affect United States persons, December 1982

Procedure 13 – Experimentation on Human Subjects for Intelligence Purposes


"UAVs and UAS (low orbiting satellites) committing crimes such as illegal and unethical surveillance of our private moments within our homes, non-consensual human experimentation for corporate greed, most resulting in strange deaths from heart attacks and strokes, and even mysterious burns to our bodies.  Torture by these Ariel vehicles do not stop there, their torture testing includes severe joint pains now treated as fibromyalgia, severe muscular disorders, tissue damage and rare cancers.  Citizens are even being treated for damage caused by dangerous levels of high frequencies such as constant ‘ringing in the ears’ that is caused by high frequencies.  Additional and ongoing damage to our bodies is the over heating of our bodies caused by radiation and microwave energy at high frequency exposure’ this goes without saying the ability to take control of your digital devices and enter your homes without your knowledge. "


Joint Targeting Cycle and Collateral Damage Estimation Methodology (CDM) 

Background • References • Targeting and Collateral Damage – Definitions – Targeting Overview – Targeting Cycle key elements – Collateral Damage Estimation • Summary • Questions/Discussion


By now most understand that our own Senators who approve these budgets with these corporations, researchers and agencies receive millions in donations and sadly do not care that they  are responsible for the death and injuries of their own citizens, now being reported in the millions; as are the drone handlers, researchers and agencies who are harming our citizens for greed, hate or research. Millions of citizens are being harmed today including those who chose to target other innocent citizens, YOU ALL ARE NOT EXEMPT EITHER….

Citizens hired as surveillance enforcement team, community oriented policing, CERTs, and many others are only ‘hate groups – hidden Terrorist’ within our country and are documented within this ‘Joint Targeting’ document as collateral damage and targets of opportunity, what does that say to those who willfully commit crimes against other unwitting innocent citizens.

To hide a TRILLION DOLLAR UNMANNED ARIEL VEHICLE INDUSTRY (UAV Roadmap to 2015 to have EVERY CITIZEN tagged with GPS nano sensors, in their own words) and the technology capabilities that have been perfected through drones that can hover over communities as high as 65,000 feet for months, and controlled by ‘computer handlers with Godlike capabilities’, making choices on lives to destruct, invading our privacy with through-the-walls capabilities, while committing silent crimes.


"Our world has become ill, ill with the intent do harm innocent citizens for the sake of developing needless weapons.  While committing the crimes against humanity some of the most horrific devices and technologies are being perfected on men, woman and children, here are a few:

Microwave auditory effect (Voice to Skull to torture children and adults)

The microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of audible clicks (or, with speech modulation, spoken words) induced by pulsed/modulated microwave frequencies. The clicks are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device. The effect was first reported by persons working in the vicinity of radar transponders during World War II. These induced sounds are not audible to other people nearby. The microwave auditory effect was later discovered to be inducible with shorter-wavelength portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. During the Cold War era, the American neuroscientist Allan H. Frey studied this phenomenon and was the first to publish[1] information on the nature of the microwave auditory effect.

Pulsed microwave radiation can be heard by some workers; the irradiated personnel perceive auditory sensations of clicking or buzzing. The cause is thought to be thermoelastic expansion of portions of auditory apparatus.[2] The auditory system response occurs at least from 200 MHz to at least 3 GHz. In the tests, repetition rate of 50 Hz was used, with pulse width between 10–70 microseconds. The perceived loudness was found to be linked to the peak power density instead of average power density. At 1.245 GHz, the peak power density for perception was below 80 mW/cm2.[citation needed] However, competing theories explain the results of interferometric holography tests differently.[3]

In 2003-2004, the WaveBand Corp. had a contract from the US Navy for the design an MAE system they called MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) intended to remotely, temporarily incapacitate personnel. The project continues today…..

CAN ANY HUMAN BEING IMAGINE BEING SUBJECTED TO VOICE TRANSMISSION TO YOU BRAIN 24 HOURS A DAY IN ORDER TO TORTURE AN INNOCENT HUMAN BEING….for fun?   Or the posting of UNMANNED ARIEL VEHICLES over neighborhoods to seek out random citizens to commit UNGODLY harms against.  Or to burn their bodies from the insides out with high levels of Microwave and Directed Energy frequencies, well yes and it is occurring everyday. 

The is the sickness of what million of citizens, EVEN CHILDREN are being forced to endure.

One additional comment, there is always a greater unethical and inhumane reason for  human beings to come together to commit a worldwide crime against humanity.  Since these crimes have increased over decades and even the leaders who approved these harms against their citizens are not exempt, WHO IS REALLY RESPONSIBLE outside of the American citizens who are willfully committing deadly harms against each other without reason by a ‘CONTROLLED MIND’.

Citizens ‘Mind Controlled’ into evil and destruction, one on top of the other, each one after the other, citizen against citizen, and for what?  False information spread amongst neighbors to incite hate, CERTS and Citizens Corp members drawn into false surveillance of innocent citizens.  NIGHTLY hovercraft and DRONES posted in our skies committing unethical crimes against citizens as everyone watches and hopes it does not happen to them….

WELL IT IS ALREADY OCCURRING, you too have your homes invaded, you too are being spread by chemtrails nearly daily, you too are being draw out of your homes to the nearest freeways and roads to pursue an innocent citizen so that YOU TOO may be used as COLLATERAL DAMAGE, YES YOU TOO and your family members as well.

Greed, Hate, Ignorance, for what… NO ONE HAS VALUE, even the DRONE OPERATORS and DRONE HANDLERS are now coming forward after killing millions of innocent citizens.  They too realize they are also targets with they leave their computer posts and breathe air, drive the same freeways as those they attempt to harm, disable or kill daily. Here in their own words….
From Page 58, Chapter 13 – Procedure 13:

For decades we citizens have remained in the ‘dark’ and are labeled as ‘unwitting U.S. Persons'; ‘unwitting’ about the ‘so-called’ positive use of government-funded technology and ‘groups’ designed to protect our country and our solders. ‘We citizens” of these United States of America have allowed ourselves to become engaged within government funded ‘groups’, and even funded organizations who have ‘falsely’ identified themselves as ‘Homeland Security’ as they too were to have been created for ‘our’ protection; well they are no longer, and have not been for the ‘good’ of this country for decades.

Many of those who have successfully directed community groups and even our ‘First Responders’ have been led by greed and criminal activities; many who were true Directors have watched the increasing criminal activities and (illegal and inhumane) actions being committed against hundreds of thousands to MILLIONS of innocent citizens and even against the ‘First Responders and Community Groups’, and their family members, many Directors and have now resigned rather than to continue to watch community groups commit criminal activities such as illegally stalking innocent citizens or watching ‘test explosions’ of first responds personal vehicles as they too are requested to descend upon the highways in false pursuits of innocent citizens.

Daily multiple vehicle accidents caused by inexperienced drivers hired as law-enforcement contractors, or neighborhood watch groups, all speeding across highways, blocking traffic, and for what, we are not at war.

These groups are established and recruited by ‘individuals for money’ only and not for the protection of our country.  And hidden in plain sight, is the testing and evaluation of weapons and chemicals that are sprayed on ALL citizens as we all travel across these same local communities and highways.  NO ONE IS EXEMPT from corporate testing of their many technologies. 

While  nearly every citizen of this country is concerned about the safety of our country, our solders and our local police, corporations and criminal entities within the many groups created for the ‘good’ of our country are taking advantage of ALL citizens of this country as a so-called ‘Post 9/11′ investment against terrorism (read ‘A Top Secret America’ by The Washington Post linked here  .

Post 9/11 brought on over 3000 NEW government contractors to develop all types of war weapons; directed energy, high power lasers, high frequency weapons, chemical/biological weapons, and the greatest of them all, to result in the most damage were the (UAV/UAS) drones with ‘through-the-walls technologies’ and sensor payloads, in addition to the development of satellites also with high powered lasers, through-the-walls technologies’ and sensor payloads that can be shot directly into a citizens home, and more, and all under the ‘War on Terror’ doctrine.  

These corporations and their development of these many ‘war’ technologies were and are given an ‘open test bed’ to test all technologies anywhere within these United States of America, and on any citizen…. as written in the Senate Committees Authorizations ‘own words’.

The successful use of small groups of Senators to approve TRILLIONS in government waste in the development of such weapons for war as Directed Energy weapons, combined dangerous (EMF) Electromagnetic Frequencies hidden now within cell towers placed within nearly every neighborhood that create an electromagnetic harmful layer of dangerous energy that affects the health of every citizen, to the useless development of (UAV) Unmanned Ariel Vehicles (drones) that are controlled by ‘drone handlers’ like you and I who play God over our skies during the day and especially at night.  

Even the small group of Senators who have recently authorized an additional 30,000 drones that are to be ARMED with SENSOR payloads that can shoot sensors through our walls into our bodies.  Sensors designed to attach GPS sensors to track every citizen, (IR) Infrared sensors to light the human body and even Chemical and Biological sensors that result in rare  cancers, heart attacks,  strokes, and if shot directly to the head of a human, a brain aneurism.

Our country currently have in our skies nearly 8000 drones, most own by corporations and authorized to test and evaluate their technologies (all) on ‘unwitting U.S. Persons’, the citizens of this country as written in nearly every Senate Appropriations Budget (a sample Senate Budget is linked below, all Budgets and Bills can be viewed in the Library of Congress library or on-line).  

As more and more citizens, and even former government contractors, and government agency employees are walking away from these inhumane and unethical technology projects that are only designed, and are aimed at the citizens of this country, these contractors and Agency Directors are now coming forward to release their documented evidence and stories to our citizens.

As citizens who have believed in our Leaders and pay our taxes, deserve a country free from these needless harmful technologies that are now only being developed to FOR CORPORATE GREED and to HARM THE CITIZENS of this country; our air, our water and our food, and for what….MONEY.  

Senators receive MILLIONS in donations from these same corporations that reside within our city limits as they fly over our heads shooting sensors and other chemicals into our bodies as we have all remained ‘unwitting’ (unknowledgeable) about their actions and intent.

Even the ‘See Something-Say Something’ and community surveillance groups are being used greatly for testing and evaluation of these technologies.  The recruitment of many citizens under false pretences to engage in illegal activities; community harassment of innocent citizens, stalking citizens and willfully committing property damage against innocent citizens (who have never committed any crimes) brings thousands of citizens together 24/7 to travel our streets, highways and neighborhoods searching for innocent citizens where the targets are truly those who travel within these groups performing these illegal actions against innocent citizens.  What has this once great country become?

Technology such as the ‘surveillance groups'; such as CERTS, Citizens Corp, Infraguard, (COPs) Community Oriented Policing, even our neighborhood watch groups, and now many contracted military grade Hovercrafts that hover over our skies nightly along with the growing TRILLION DOLLAR UAV (drone) industry that, as stated on the National ACLU DoD Drone FOIA website at Drones website on ACLU  has been ‘hidden in plain sight’ from the citizens of this country  while criminals acts and technology testing is being conducted ‘unwittingly’ against, and on millions of citizens of this country.  

The same citizens hired by many of these groups to target small groups of innocent citizens as stated in The Washington Post article entitled ‘Monitoring America’Monitoring_America_Dana_Priest_William_M_Arkin latest version with lots of deletions2012, sometimes hundreds of citizens assigned to ‘one citizen’ while the ‘hundreds’ are used for direct testing of many technologies.  ‘Target a few to gain access to MANY’.
One of the most damaging documents on the National ACLU DOD Drone Drones website on ACLU website, a ‘formal training document’ for unmanned Ariel vehicles ‘handlers’, DRONES as we know of them today, is entitled ‘DOD Drone Joint Targeting’ of individuals.  

This document details horrific actions that have been authorized by the DOD agency and has been passed from contractor to contractor, for decades, that is leading to the death of hundreds of thousands (to millions) of United States citizens that ‘they’ have defined as ‘unwitting U.S. Persons’, unknowledgeable of the harms that ‘torture-testing’ has done to the health of many U.S. Citizens who are not aware of these abuses by thousands of corporations and even some government agencies.  Sadly the greed of many have allowed for the testing of all forms of government ‘tax payer’ funded technology designed for war to be tested and evaluated on all citizens.

These inhumane actions are no different than the actions addressed by former President Clinton in his apology to the American Citizens for such abuses as linked below, nor the legislation and attempted ‘Senate Bills’ written by former Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich to protect the citizens of this country.  All Senate Bills that failed in the Senate, Congress.

And why did they fail?  Senators receive millions in corporate donations from these same corporations.  Senators in small committees have sign what are called ‘Senate Authorizations and Appropriations Bills to allow these corporations to build these  ‘torture devices’, and ‘test chemicals’ in our air; over their entire states for decades, and the hidden ‘DoD Directive 5240.1-r – Procedure 13 Human Experimentation (on all citizens) for Intelligence Purposes’, has allowed for the torture and destruction of a once great country….. now being destroyed for corporate greed and ignorance.
Corporate greed now funded by foreign countries???? Yet these actions against the citizens of this country are being conducted mainly by American citizens, law enforcement contractors, and other groups that were originally formed for the good of this nation. Now committing criminal acts against each other.  

Even corporation against corporation; who can create the most inhumane harmful technology to commit the greatest amount of damage against the citizens of these United States of America….all hidden in plain sight.
Once you understand this information, reach out to those who signed to authorize the Senate Appropriations Budgets for these technologies. One of many Senate Appropriations Budgets and Authorizations for Unmanned Ariel Vehicles to be housed with Sensor Payloads designed to attach only to human skin is here Approprations for UAV and Nano Sensors 2007 Bill_CRPT-109srpt292.  

The Senate approved UAV Roadmap include the development of 30,000 drones over our skies by 2015, that Roadmap is hereUAV_Roadmap_Test_and_Evaul_to_2025_uavr0401
Question such ‘directives’ not laws that allow for the testing and evaluation of technologies designed for wars, to be tested on all ‘U.S. Persons’.

Request such ACTs as the ‘Space Preservation Act’ be overturned to stop genocide of living beings from our space and skies. If this Bill would have passed in our Senate the citizens of this country would be protected by these laws and such technology as ‘drone sensors’ and chem-trails would have been outlawed.  It is never too late to force our Senate, our Congress, to enact these HUMAN RIGHTS protections from our skies and from space.  The act is attached here Space Preservation Act BILLS-107hr2977ih.

As a ‘People’ we can force change and accountability for the damage to our country that has continued for decades and all for ‘GREED’ and not for our safety.

Finally, I would say this…. Who is really responsible for the destruction of every citizen of this country, including our own Soldiers as they too are returned home from ‘fake wars’ harmed.  As a country we are broke, even a Director of a government agency can not earn MILLIONS or TRILLIONS of dollars, yet government agencies and corporations of this country engage in this same destruction.  Are these act against America really being orchestrated by another country, since EVERYONE is afraid to address who is flying in our air?  Where is the true money trail for the destruction of AMERICAN PEOPLE and others around this planet?

Here is a direct quote of former President Bush;
‘George Herbert Walker Bush: “Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.”     That is a famous 1992 quote by George Herbert Walker Bush to Sarah McLendon, a Texas journalist who Bush had known for years and who was the grand dame of the White House press corps at the time. ‘

These types of acts and decisions against the people of this country have resulted in the ‘GREED OF MANY’, thus ‘torture for profit’ against the innocent citizens of this country as these corporations and agencies ‘feel’ they have the power and choices to kill, maim and damage the health of children, women and men, all over this country.  



"This entire document is damaging and why on the internet?  To invoke fear?  To make citizens aware? Or to force citizen into fear so that they remain quiet, weak and fearful."


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